How to create or delete directories from Windows Powershell

Table of contents


    In this article we will cover the steps to use to create or delete a directory directly from the windows powershell. We will also see the alias associated with those commands so that we can use it for doing the same action 

    How to create a new directory in windows powershell 

    In this section we will cover the creation of  new directories from powershell using the new-item command and its alias ni command 

    new-item command 

    Using the new-item command we can create both the files and the directories , By default without any options it creates a file. If used with the  option “-itemtype directory” it creates the directory

    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> new-item -itemtype directory test-directory
        Directory: C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    d-----         7/6/2023   6:55 AM                test-directory

    ni command 

    Similarly we can create a directory using the ni command as it is the alias for the new-item command. Note that we need to use the same option “ -itemtype directory “ to create the directories as without any options it creates the files 

    Get-alias command helps us with identifying the alias associated with the various powershell commands

    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> get-alias -name ni
    CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
    -----------     ----                                               -------    ------
    Alias           ni -> New-Item
    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> ni -itemtype directory test-directory-2
        Directory: C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    d-----         7/6/2023   6:57 AM                test-directory-2

    How to delete the directories from the Windows powershell 

    In this section we will cover how to delete the directories from the powershell using the remove-item command and its alias del command 

    Get-alias command helps us with identifying the alias associated with the various powershell commands. We can see that the 3 aliases like rm , rmdir , del are mapped to the same command remove-item . we can use any of them to do the same action

    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> Get-Alias -name rm
    CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
    -----------     ----                                               -------    ------
    Alias           rm -> Remove-Item
    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> Get-Alias -name rmdir
    CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
    -----------     ----                                               -------    ------
    Alias           rmdir -> Remove-Item
    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> Get-Alias -name del
    CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
    -----------     ----                                               -------    ------
    Alias           del -> Remove-Item

    In the following example , we have deleted both the directories created in the earlier section using the del and remove-item commands . Please note that it got deleted without any errors as they were empty directories 

    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> del .\test-directory\
    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> remove-item .\test-directory-2\
    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> ls
        Directory: C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    -a----        6/27/2023   7:52 AM             36 test1.txt

    Let’s say we have some files under those directories , then we will see a prompt asking to confirm whether we want to remove all the files under that recursively  , then we can select option yes by typing “y” and it should delete them all 

    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> remove-item .\test-directory-2\
    The item at C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems\test-directory-2\ has children and the Recurse parameter was not
    specified. If you continue, all children will be removed with the item. Are you sure you want to continue?
    [Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"):

    If you would like to delete the directories and the files recursively without seeing the prompt , we can  use the recurse option along with the remove-item command 

    PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> rm .\test-directory-2\ -recurse


    In this article we were able to explore the ways in which we can use the powershell to create , or delete directories 

    If you are interested in more windows powershell related articles from us , please go through the following articles  

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