Dangerous commands to avoid on Windows powershell 

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As system administrators and network engineers  , we should be aware and avoid execution  of some of the dangerous commands In powershell. These commands can cause significant impact to the system by producing irreparable damage or sometimes DOS attack. Since some of these commands are possible to execute accidentally , we should use caution while handling them 

In this article we will cover in detail on some of them and how it can get accidentally executed on your system 

Commands to avoid in windows powershell which can erase important data

Remove-item or rm

The following command deletes the files and folders under the C:\Windows , this includes the deleting of the system32 files and folder , which is present under the path “C:\Windows “. We should be careful when dealing with the files under the folder “C:\”  as it can cause some irreparable damage to your system 

rm -Path “C:\Windows” -Recurse -Force

rm or remove-item does the same job as rm is the alias of remove-item  

-recurse deletes the directory , its sub-directories and the files 

-force deletes the directory or files without confirmation prompt 

This command can be accidentally executed if we are copy pasting the file path we were looking to clean up. But unfortunately we missed the full path while copying and executing the command without validating once 

Is there a safe way ?

There is a safe way to test these commands live before executing , Windows powershell as a Built-in safety feature called -Whatif , which tells what would happen if a command is executed without actually deleting the files or directories 

rm -Path “C:\Windows” -recurse -force -whatif

What if: Performing the operation "Remove Directory" on target "-Path “C:\Windows”.

Commands to avoid in Windows Powershell which can stop the important process

Stop-Process or spps

Stop-process can be dangerous when used along with the get-process , so we should execute these commands only when you are fully aware what these commands can do 

For example , the following command , gets all the process running on the system and pipes it to the stop-process with the force option to stop them without prompting for confirmation 

Get-process | stop-process -force 


gps | spps -force 

( gps is the alias of get-process , spps is the alias of stop-process )

These commands can get accidentally executed if you intention was to delete one particular process , however you missed to mention that one particular process name explicitly 

For example  , your intention to execute 

Get-process ssh | stop-process -force 

But what you have executed accidentally 

Get-process | stop-process -force  

Is there a Safe way ?

There is a Safe way to test these as well , using the WIndows Powershell built in feature called -Whatif . WhatIf feature would tell us what would happen when you execute a command and won’t actually execute the command , this would help us test things live. 

get-process | stop-process -whatif

What if: Performing the operation "Stop-Process" on target "ssh (5160)".
What if: Performing the operation "Stop-Process" on target "notepad (4660)".

Stopping Windows defender’s Real time protection

We can use the following command to disable the Windows defender’s real time protection , this can let different malicious code to get undetected making your system  vulnerable. we should not execute this command unless we are absolutely sure on what we are doing and its needed

Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $True

Executing the files downloaded from the Internet in Windows powershell

We can use the invoke-webrequest or wget command to download the files from the internet by specifying the path to the file , the problem is executing those files using the start-process right after that as a script can be dangerous , if we don’t know what does that downloaded executable file does 

The following two line powershell script , downloads the file from the specified source path and saves it to the destination file path , then executes the destination file path using the start-process command 

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri <source path> -OutFile <destination path>
Start-Process <destination path >


wget -Uri <source path> -OutFile <destination path>
start  <destination path >


  1. we can also use wget or Invoke-WebRequest as wget is the alias of it 
  2. We can also use start or start-process as start is the alias of it 


In this article we have covered some of the dangerous commands we should avoid executing on Windows powershell as some of them cause irreparable damage to the system. Knowing the consequences of these commands , helps us to express caution and mentor others on avoiding such a commands from getting executed 

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