Table of Contents
- Introduction
- How to create a new file in windows powershell
- How to delete the files from the Windows powershell
- How to check the files or directories in the current working directory
- Conclusion
In this article we will cover the steps to use to create or delete a file directly from the Windows Powershell. We will also see the alias associated with those commands so that we can use it for doing the same action
How to create a new file in windows powershell
In this section we will cover the creation of new files from powershell using the new-item
command and its alias ni
new-item command
Using the new-item
command we can create both the files and the directories , By default without any options it creates a file
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> new-item test1.txt
Directory: C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 6/27/2023 7:03 AM 0 test1.txt
ni command
Similarly we can create a file using the ni
command as it is the alias for the new-item
command helps us with identifying the alias associated with the various powershell commands
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> get-alias -name ni
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias ni -> New-Item
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> ni test2.txt
Directory: C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 6/27/2023 7:07 AM 0 test2.txt
How to delete the files from the Windows powershell
In this section we will cover how to delete the created files from the powershell using the remove-item
command and its alias del
command helps us with identifying the alias associated with the various powershell commands
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> get-alias -name del
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias del -> Remove-Item
In the following example , we have deleted both the files created in the earlier section using the del and remove-item commands
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> del .\test1.txt
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> remove-item .\test2.txt
How to check the files or directories in the current working directory
We can use the get-childitem
command or its alias ls
command to check for the files and folders inside the present working directory
command helps us with identifying the alias associated with the various powershell commands
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> get-alias -name ls
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias ls -> Get-ChildItem
In this case, we already deleted the two files, so nothing returned on the screen. If there were files or folders in the present in the current working directory then we should see some listed
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> Get-ChildItem
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> ls
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems>
Example when there were files present
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> get-childitem
Directory: C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 6/27/2023 7:52 AM 36 test1.txt
PS C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems> ls
Directory: C:\Users\Public\Discovering-systems
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 6/27/2023 7:52 AM 36 test1.txt
In this article we were able to explore the ways in which we can use the powershell to create , delete or list the files.
If you are interested in more windows powershell related articles from us , please go through the following articles