How to use ChatGPT to build configs for linux and network devices 

Table of Contents


In this article we are going to explore ChatGPT’s capabilities to build configs for linux and the networking devices. It saves a lot of time to get a service started or protocol started using ChatGPT provided configs.

Practical examples on how to build configs using ChatGPT 

How to use ChatGPT to build configs for network devices 

In this example we are going to build configs for bring up an IP interface and then configuring the EBGP on top of the same interface 

#Request to ChatGPT 

Can you build configs  for assigning Ip address on one interface and form EBGP over the same ?

#Response from ChatGPT 
Certainly! I can help you with a sample configuration for assigning an IP address to an interface and configuring External BGP (eBGP) on the same interface. Please keep in mind that the specific commands and syntax may vary depending on the network device or platform you are using. The following example is a general representation.

Here’s an example configuration for assigning an IP address to an interface and configuring eBGP:

interface <interface_name>
 ip address <ip_address> <subnet_mask>

router bgp <your_ASN>
 neighbor <neighbor_ip> remote-as <neighbor_ASN>
 neighbor <neighbor_ip> update-source <interface_name>
 network <your_network_address> mask <your_network_mask>

In this example:
`<interface_name>` represents the name or number of the interface you want to configure.
– `<ip_address>` is the desired IP address for the interface.
– `<subnet_mask>` is the subnet mask associated with the IP address.
– `<your_ASN>` is your autonomous system number.
`<neighbor_ip>` is the IP address of the eBGP neighbor you want to establish a connection with.
– `<neighbor_ASN>` is the autonomous system number of the eBGP neighbor.
`<your_network_address>` and `<your_network_mask>` represent the network address and subnet mask of your local network that you want to advertise via eBGP.

Remember to replace the placeholders with the actual values applicable to your network. Additionally, make sure to adjust the commands according to your specific network device and software version.

Please note that configuring networking devices requires careful planning and consideration of your network topology, routing policies, and security requirements. It’s always recommended to consult your device’s documentation or seek assistance from a network professional to ensure proper configuration.

How to use ChatGPT to build configs for linux devices 

Building DHCP server configs 

In this example we are requesting ChatGpt to build the dhcp server configs to serve IP addresses from a subnet and also set the default gateway , dns servers, etc while leasing the ip address for the clients  

#Request to ChatGPT 

can you build the config for the dhcpd process in linux server to serve ip address from subnet and also to set default gateway as and  dns server as for the dhcp clients

#Response from ChatGPT
Certainly! Below is a sample configuration for the DHCP server process (dhcpd) on a Linux server to serve IP addresses from the subnet, with a default gateway of and a DNS server of for the DHCP clients.

1. Install the DHCP server (if not already installed) by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

2. Configure the DHCP server by editing the `/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf` file. Open the file in a text editor, and add or modify the following lines:

subnet netmask {
  option routers;
  option domain-name-servers;

In this example:
`subnet netmask` specifies the subnet and netmask.
`range` defines the range of IP addresses that will be assigned to clients.
`option routers` sets the default gateway to
`option domain-name-servers` specifies the DNS server address as

3. Save the changes to the `dhcpd.conf` file.

4. Restart the DHCP server to apply the new configuration:

sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart

Make sure that the network interface connected to the DHCP clients is properly configured to receive DHCP requests.

Please note that the steps provided here are for configuring the ISC DHCP server on a Linux server. The specific steps and configuration file location may vary depending on the Linux distribution and DHCP server implementation you are using. Be sure to consult the documentation for your specific server software if you encounter any issues.
Building Ntp client configs 

In this example we are requesting ChatGPT to provide ntp.conf example to bring up a NTP client syncing to a ntp server as per our wish 

#Request to ChatGPT 

can you build a ntp config on the linux machine to play a client trying to get a sync from ntp server  

#Response from ChatGPT 
Certainly! Below is an example configuration for setting up an NTP (Network Time Protocol) client on a Linux machine to synchronize its time with an NTP server located at

1. Install the NTP client package (if not already installed) by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install ntp

2. Edit the NTP configuration file `/etc/ntp.conf` using a text editor.

3. Add or modify the following lines in the `ntp.conf` file:


In this example:
– `server` specifies the IP address of the NTP server you want to synchronize with.

4. Save the changes to the `ntp.conf` file.

5. Restart the NTP service to apply the new configuration:

sudo service ntp restart

After the NTP service restarts, your Linux machine will attempt to synchronize its time with the specified NTP server at

Please note that the steps provided here are for configuring the NTP client on a Linux machine using the standard NTP package. The specific steps and configuration file location may vary depending on the Linux distribution and NTP client implementation you are using. Be sure to consult the documentation for your specific Linux distribution and NTP client software if you encounter any issues.


In this article we explored how to use ChatGPT to build various configs for the networking devices and linux machines. Although ChatGPT builds configs with perfection most of the time , there can be some errors which can be fixed in no time provided we have the understanding on 

how to use the protocols or features for which we requested the configs.

If you are interested in more articles on how ChatGPT can help Linux admins and network engineers , please check our ChatGPT series

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